It can be hard to decide what’s worse: the bitter cold of winter weather or the high energy bills that come with heating your home. If you’re low on cash, you may feel forced to choose between comfort or money. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay warm this winter that won’t break the bank.

If you’re still having trouble making ends meet, consider getting some relief with an easy payday loan from Cash Fast Loan Center near Charlotte and in Clover, South Carolina.

How to Stay Warm for Less this Winter

Invest in a Space Heater

Why heat your entire home when you spend time in just a few rooms? Just lower your thermostat and use a space heater to keep the temperature up in any room you’re currently in to save on your heating bill. Space heaters are cheap to buy and cheap to power.

Close Off Unused Rooms

You can also avoid heating rooms you aren’t using by keeping the doors and vents to these rooms closed. Make sure to over the crack under the door for the best results.

Manage the Windows

A thick window cover or curtain can also help you save on energy. When it’s dark out, close the curtain to seal the heat in. If it gets sunny, open the curtain to let the warmth in. By managing the curtains carefully, you can keep your home a few degrees warmer throughout the day.

Layer Clothes

Thermal underwear, wool socks, or a cozy sweater can go a long way in keeping you warm. You can also throw a blanket as you relax at home. All the extra layers insulate your body heat, letting you keep your thermostat lower.

Stop Eating Out

This tip doubles your savings. Cooking at home is typically cheaper than getting food out and can help warm your home. Your range and oven both produce plenty of heat which radiates throughout the rest of your home when you cook. Help this heat spread better by leaving the oven door open as it cools.

Cover the Floors

Heat often escapes your house through hardwood or tile floors. You can trap more of this warmth in by covering these surfaces. This doesn’t mean you need to carpet every inch of your home. A simple area rug can make a massive difference.
Still a little low on cash? Consider a payday loan from Cash Fast Loan Center. Appointments are quick, easy, and don’t require a credit check. Stop by one of our locations around the Carolinas to get started.